5.3 Release (RC10)

5.3.35 is released. And it is by far one of the most involved updates for the game thus far (aside from the big graphics update for those of you who remember the Bondage Club version!), owing to all the under the hood changes.

Highlights include:

  • a new player base where you can store items and appoint servants
  • recycler system to turn unwanted restraints into materials
  • deeper NPC restraining system so you can use your collected restraints on prisoners (and servants)
  • system for leashing your allies, enemies, and even for npcs to leash other NPCs in some circumstances!
  • new ‘ancient vault’ area to replace previous golden chest halls
  • new Doll Processing room that is the destination for players captured in the Bellows
  • new assets including petsuits, robes, gags, and corsets
  • new expert tools for editing the positioning and scale of outfit items

Here is the changelog:


  • You can now use quick inventory or hotbar to attempt to truss up targets (or wear items by clicking yourself)
  • New upgrade: Reaching Authority
  • Added cosmetic items: Spats and BrowsDai1 and 2
  • Releasing NPCs gives back items (so you dont have to free them manually first)
  • Old guardians leashing you to highsec now take you to doll processing Instead
  • Faction rep affects personal opinion less
  • Attacking enemies now reduces their opinion of you (it’s personal)
  • Added the ‘Robe of Chastity’ in lesser gold chests, holy damage aura item
  • Flanking enemies now makes them vulnerable (instead of stunned)
  • Fixed a bug where removing one generic restraint item would remove all of them
  • Fixed bug where traps would spawn in places there were not supposed to be any
  • Fixed bug where the void would sometimes be an actual void and not a discount void (with demon squatters)
  • Fixed bug where prisoners you reclaim would not actually be reclaimed but rather cast into the ether (and are inaccessible as prisoners)

5.3.35 RC8-RC9

  • Added filter field in collection
  • Fixed a bug where sensory mask was being applied infinitely
  • Autobind should now use raw materials as well for restraints
  • Resolved a bug where the binding dress in recycler couldnt be made but still took resources
  • Resolved a bug where enchanted armor got duplicated when it gets knocked off by enemies

5.3.35 RC7

  • Fix sailor shirt exposing kneel pose midriff
  • Fix crash when leaving summit sometimes
  • Fix zooming not affecting many indicators
  • Ancient chastity bra clarified to only reduce damage from attacks (current behavior, no change)
  • Ancient chastity bra now blocks 20 damage up from 10
  • Fixed bug where you cant ransom most enemies
  • Time Stop now allows you to tie up enemies more easily during its duration
  • Time ghosts are slightly faster

5.3.35 RC6

  • Added toggle for front plugs. May cause balance issues.

5.3.35 RC5

  • Misc fixes

5.3.35 RC4

  • Misc graphical fixes

5.3.35 RC3

  • Further filled out recycler tree

5.3.35 RC2

  • Added vinyl tape and added tape/ribbon/mummy wrap to the Recycler

5.3.35 RC1

  • Various misc bugfixes


  • You can now disassemble rope items into raw rope
  • You can now apply raw items to NPCs via truss em up


  • Added sensory hood and sensory mask to leather prison and rare bondage offer
  • Added zoom in/out key


  • Increased rep gain from rescuing prisoners
  • Added tall smooth heels by SMoonlightM
  • Added leather hood/mask by SMoonlightM


  • Added management facility. management servants will wander around and help you fight off escapees.
  • Added quick facilities buttons


  • You can use furniture to gain an advantage over enemies
  • Added mod compatibility setting


  • Added Combat Maneuvers (battle trance upgrade)
  • Fixed issue where promoting and demoting NPCs in facility roles would break their role and make it impossible to change
  • Fixed crash on hovering over non humanoids
  • Fixed non humanoids having names (e.g a barricade named Maddie)
  • Fixed helpless enemies blocking elevator from unlocking
  • Fixed a crash when loading prisoners from memory
  • Fixed fuuka not dropping her restraints on defeat
  • Fixed bug where armor hides restraints underneath even if drawarmor is off


  • Added training level indicator in buffs menu
  • Added NPC images in dialogue, tooltip, and (toggleable in GFX settings) on the field


  • MODDERS: KinkyDungeonHiddenFactions is now a Map() instead of a list
  • Added ‘Release NPCs’ feature


  • Added auto binding feature
  • truss em up now uses bondage UI from collection
  • Enemies can now escape!
  • Cuddle lounge is now present for improving opinion
  • truss em up is more effective now
  • Enemy helpless threshold lowered for basic enemies (such as maidforce recruits)


  • Can now add NPCs to display stand
  • Can now view party members in collection
  • prototype persistent NPCs. lmk if there are weirdness with party members
  • NPCs have facial expressions and their poses can be set individually (no persistence)


  • New perk: Fully Integrated (unlock by reaching 100% latex integration. Start with 100% latex integration)
  • New consumable: Universal Solvent (Each use reduces latex integration by -25% and debuffs current latex restraint struggle/cut resistance by 10)
  • Can generate random name on name screen
  • Can set restraint palette
  • Truss em Up now adds the restraint to the enemy’s inventory so you can get it back on capture


  • Added ability to restrain NPCs


  • Recycler is now online in the summit!
  • Interacting now picks up items on the targeted tile


  • You can lock yourself inside of furniture
  • Added some gag particles to player and enemy
  • Added setting to allow dynamic armor item removal from outfits if you are missing armor (only works with plate armor)
  • Added pose-specific layer properties (hide, require poses, and hide prefix/suffix)


  • Upgraded the layering system to allow for even tighter item combinations (and getting rid of low level items to replace with more strong items)
  • More scenery now appears in various tiles, and added a few new temple tile variations
  • Made it possible to put your own runes on top of enemy runes. Have fun :)
  • Having an orgasm is easier the more desire you have, and the effects last longer if you have more desire
  • Fixed some cases of linking not working properly
  • Added Cyber Link
  • Added cyber mitt artwork and added shorter cyber mitts item
  • Being headpatted now affects your facial expression
  • Enemies like the Cyber Warden can remotely link your cyber cuffs
  • Control harness now applies heels and mitts when placed in a full set of cyber cuffs
  • Tweaked orgasm power increase from desire


  • You can now give release to distracted NPCs thru the flirting menu
  • Replaced ‘close door’ control on bottom bar with ‘interact’ control, which now lets you interact with objects as well as close doors
  • Can now interact with doll dropoffs to put yourself on one (only on new tiles)
  • Increased number of hotbar slots to 50
  • Fixed bug where enemies would deaggro and sit there (instead of running away)
  • Minefield is now a -1 perk (instead of -2)


  • Fixed ‘temp leash enemy failing to deliver to jail or cage’
  • Added graphics for bars in bandit hideout
  • Fixed a few other bugs
  • Added Swimsuit armor
  • Reworked the lore system and rewrote most lore entries
  • Added Free the Boob and Liberate the Boob perks
  • Added Slayer Cape


  • Fixed bug where enchantments had wrong font color
  • Changed enemy perception so that they can track your movement a bit more realistically
  • Allies will now temp leash the player again
  • Fix pose issues with hogtie and kneel and bubble/cube/barrel
  • Lifted the doll blockade that sometimes happens in doll processing
  • fixed more leash bugs


  • Added separate button font option
  • Made different font types word wrap at different character amounts depending on font


  • Added save/load as file function for save codes and outfit codes
  • Added crotch rope gfx for the newer striped skirt
  • Redesigned inventory interface (with UI option to do a classic inspired scroll)
  • Added selectable font in game options


  • Fixed bug with layer properties having wrong coordinate geometry in hogtie/map mode
  • Fixed bug with layer property layer bonus not working


  • Added Expert Tools section in the color picker
  • One Click Move is now disabled when in danger (such as combat)
  • Enemies can hit you more easily if they have low base accuracy, if you are slowed or restrained
  • 6 new hairstyles added


  • Changed how bondage resist gets affected by penalties when stunned
  • Added evasion, block, bondage resist penalty for being frozen
  • Game ignores files that start with . when loading mods (to increase Mac OS compat)
  • Fix bug where casting a spell after using a leash consumes one leash
  • Fix bug where Cyber security level doesnt reset on floor up
  • Fix ‘equipped’ filters showing the wrong items in some cases
  • Fix doll processing start denying journey selection


  • Fixed a couple leash bugs


  • Some enemies have Bulwark which blocks bomb explosions
  • Fixed some bugs where enemies would fail to pathfind
  • Added plastic explosive and dynamite to the shop


  • Dragons can no longer reinforce PoI maps like bandit hideout
  • Added Clip-On Leash item
  • Refactored leashing! Should work on enemies and player now (may have some bugs)


  • Fix issue where allies don’t spawn in dollmaker, warden arena, or other maps
  • Added the summit (currently serves only as a safe storage for items)
  • Fixed some issues with filters in the armor menu
  • Added a feature to tally damage dealt by attacks
  • Added option for damage floaters to disappear faster


  • Nerfed restoration tablets and determination tablets to compensate for increased counts
  • Reduced time taken to copy large save codes in some browsers
  • Added ‘Show Restraint Info on Escape Hover’ option
  • greatly buffed the epsilon collar
  • Added filters to the log
  • Added damage resist enchantments for the shield table


  • Buffed fuuka’s dress, Gag
  • Reduced cut power of magic hammer
  • Fixed bug where rope getting enchanted would stack infinitely
  • Added more filter categories to enchanted restraints
  • Made the flanking stun more convenient when enemies arent moving
  • Added new cyber lock types


  • Fix tablets being too rare
  • Made big map sizes bigger
  • Bombs now destroy cracked tiles and various lesser objects


  • Fix not enough overgrown monoliths
  • Fix guards not showing up to training
  • Added minimap icon for chests and tablets


  • Can now rescue factory dolls with CMD spells
  • Updated to pixi.js 7.4.2
  • Made it so enemies shouldnt temp leash you in doll Processing
  • Traps in doll processing now spawn regular enemies not Surprise!
  • Fixed bug with gargantuan halls, etc, breaking some special map tiles
  • Fixed bug where enemies always home in on you in prison
  • Fixed cases of spurious playtime
  • Fixed class specific spells appearing in menu


  • Fixed bugs with cyber locks not being unlockable
  • Fixed bug where unlocking any lock would always remove the item


  • TODO rope weapon when struggling out
  • MODDERS: Added LinkCategories to allow multiple link categories per item
  • Reworked the Doll Room in the Bellows. it is now the Doll Processing!
  • Living collars now only apply when you pass out, not when you are jailed. Typically this is caused by shadow hands, gigantic slimes, sarcophagus, rope kraken, etc.
  • Added perk that adds back living collars when jailed functionality
  • Added ‘Some Exclusions Apply’ perk
  • Increased max outfit count to 99
  • Stormbreaker now gains additional duration (up to 30 turns) for each damage instance
  • Split acid from soap damage
  • Added various combination effect and condition type enchantments
  • Added more outfits to the shop
  • Added smooth heels by SMoonlightM
  • Replaced heart amulets with Overgrown Tablets, 2 per floor, diminishing returns when using it to boost a high stat
  • Reworked Orb UI
  • Added stun resistance for foes who have unstoppable or unflinching
  • Some foes are now relentless, which gives stun resist upon being stunned
  • Added Negate Rune spell (requires CMD disenchant, but is leg component spell)
  • Player Runes now have a soft limit of 10 (will start to explode after 10)
  • Fixed bug where having folders or files in the mods folder crashes the game
  • Fixed an issue where the player model would sometimes flicker while moving
  • Made the targeting reticule prefer floors and movable tiles over walls (toggleable)
  • Added Retro Enemy Animations toggle
  • Enemies no longer try to play with you after youve asked them to help you out and they said yes
  • Fixed shield damage calculation
  • Tremor duration reduced


  • Desire burst is now locked to the Path of Pleasure


  • Added ancient vaults, replacing the existing locations of special gold chests.
  • Added guardian versions of the cyber warden, enforcer unit, and drone
  • Added a secret collar


  • Added cyber petsuit, leather petsuit
  • Added leather leotard


  • Added yukata
  • Added buckle corset
  • Added striped skirt, apron skirt
  • Fixed crash when accepting goddess quest
  • Outfits now determine restraint palette (defaulting to player setting otherwise)
  • Added a bit more variance in cursed restraint selection
  • Added divine gag
  • New graphic for divine muzzle

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(1 edit)

every time i start the game (browser version) there is an error with loading the texture heres a picture

okay so i been looking at this game for a while now. soo can someone say what's the difference between the free to play  browser and buying  the game? like not the obvious things that "you can download it" and stuff... I know that, I'm talking about gameplay. like is there more stuff in general? or just it's just for comfort things?  I'm lazy to read a whole page to find out so please comment if you have the time ♥

f it, I just bought it. I will see myself


Mainly just offline mode, but also auto mod loading from the folder and possibly multiple save slots in the future

What does‘ link under’ mean in the cheat menu?

Deleted 7 days ago
Deleted 7 days ago

really fantastic update

not just those new features, lots of armor and restriction are  looks really nice now.


thanks for all the great work you're putting in to continued development!


Thank you for your work as well on overkill

I see in the changelog that there is a new stat called latex integration.

How can i view that stat and what do i need to do to raise it?

If it isnt 0 it will show up in your buffs bar.

Its applied by being sprayed with latex–currently only if you get captured in The Bellows

Oooo cant wait to try it! Also had a idea for new monster/trap... plastic/resin slime! Kinda the same principle as the normal slime... covers and then hardens, but this time its very hard to remove and will coat your hands multiple times for each attempt to remove... and if you dont reach the end in time you become immobilized, stuck as npcs can still tease and play.

But defo would love to see more gooey/shiny stuffs hehehe..... love all the work being done to this amazing experience


Playing in browser (Edge, Chrome) and most of the sprites/things are invisible now post-update (e.g., hair, eyes, characters on map).



This is a known issue that happens with graphical updates. Ive been trying to solve it but the main way to fix is refreshing and maybe clearing cache.


Thanks for responding so quickly. <3 I've refreshed and cleared and updated to no avail. I'll circle back with a different device.


I just pushed an attempted fix. I believe this should do it–if not, well, Ill look for support with the pixi.js forum

It's working and wonderful! Thank you!