5.3.38 Patch

New version! This one is mostly a lot of bugfixes with a few tweaks and some tools for modding. Also a lot of breaking changes for mods, summarized below.


  • Added mod.json format, see https://itch.io/t/4135169/mod-json
  • “kinkydungeonappearanceX” now contains an expanded object with metadata. Please update mods that handle the localstorage version of character
  • CharacterAppearanceStringify now encodes metadata into the provided string
  • CharacterAppearanceRestore can handle both old and new strigified characters
  • You will need to update any code that directly references a string created by CharacterAppearanceStringify instead of using CharacterAppearanceRestore
  • saveStat in the save files now has Palette field
  • Replaced KinkyDungeonCheckClothesLoss with KDRedrawCharacter, a map. The old variable still works as a generic way to do it to ‘whatever gets rendered next’
  • Merged a great huge typescript refactor by ewhac. Several longstanding bugs got caught and fixed as a result
  • Added modding parameter to allow custom msg for equipping and successfully removing restraints


  • Added gag necklace
  • Living collars can now be disenchanted to delay their effects.
  • New Expert Tool tag: Protected. Put 1 here to make the layer protected. If a model has any protected layers then it will be treated like ears, etc. Converse: if you set it to -1 then it will make a protected model no longer protected. 1 overrides -1.
  • allow placing prisoners in doll stands (both collection and leashed)
  • Allow linking armor under accessible restraints
  • Angel can help you with divine locks
  • Added Crystal lock
  • Added Ancient Worshippers
  • Added directional wires (vertical, horizontal, endpoint)
  • Bed trap now has straps
  • Added Absurdly Huge Maps perk and increased the general size of maps created by the map size perks
  • Reworked the maze algorithm so it can now handle empty tiles generated
  • Made the pickaxe able to break some blocks depending on geometry


  • Increased arcane tome damage and clarified that they’re not supposed to crit
  • Removed arcane crystal from wizard start, has arcane tome instead
  • added arcane crystal to wizard study chest, shadow chest, and wall loot in library
  • Cuddle lounge now improves servant opinions a lot more
  • Cuddle lounge is less effective per prisoner the more prisoners in it

Bugfixes and QoL:

  • Fixed some bugs with bosses doing dialogue while part of the player faction
  • Fixed issue where some battle rhythm effects were applying twice
  • Fixed issue where 1st floor was getting regenerated
  • Fixed issues where NPCs would hug the corner of the map after losing sight of you
  • High value enemies will now use their missiles in combat (watch out for friendly fire)
  • Fix some issues with runes (aoe, cast time)
  • fixed monster rope hogtie crash
  • enemies can now path thru barricades and destructible doors
  • Fixed bug where the light maid knight socks had unintended holes and the toes would stick out
  • Fixed bug where the leather mask would cause a bald patch when using x rays
  • Monster rope should now add hogtie properly (only applies to new monster ropes generated)
  • Fixed some bugs involving leashing and hostility
  • Fixed critical bug with enchanted items disappearing when dropped by enemy attack!!!
  • Made dirt piles and giant mushrooms not block leashing NPCs
  • fixed bug where assigning outfit to hotbar disappears the slot
  • fixed missing assets in coastal tileset
  • Clarified cuddle lounge mechanics
  • Made the simple color picker more accurate
  • fixed bug w/ opinion not updating on cuddle lounge pets when you revisit summit
  • fixed fighter break free ability
  • Changed rune graphics to be more consistent with the game
  • Fix issue with Commerce Goddes Rewards Program™ portals spawning on non-empty tiles
  • Fix issue with weird flashing dialogue options involving leashes
  • Fix issue with both tool multiplier and buff multiplier applying to edge bonus (such as hook, etc)
  • Fix issues with light maid knight socks poking through the bottom of shoes
  • Fixed issue with summons being added to collection if you add them to party
  • Fixed an issue where Rogue’s problem solving triggered twice
  • Fixed (hopefully) an issue where audio crashed randomly
  • Fixed an issue where enemies send repeated soundwaves
  • Fixed an issue where dolls werent properly displaced when shoving the player into their space
  • Fixed some Light Maid Knight clipping and missing textures
  • Fixed some issues with struggle power calc
  • Fixed bug where running out of WP didnt reduce struggle power

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